Arrhythmia Alliance - The Heart Rhythm Charity

Arrhythmia Alliance - The Heart Rhythm Charity

Arrhythmia Alliance (A-A) - working together to improve the diagnosis, treatment and quality of life for all those affected by arrhythmias.

A-A is a coalition of charities, patients and patient groups, carers, medical groups and allied professionals. Although these groups remain independent, they work together under the A-A umbrella to promote timely and effective diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias.

Arrhythmia Alliance (A-A) was established in 2004 by Trudie Lobban MBE following the successful campaigning led by STARS to improve arrhythmia (irregular heart rhythm disorders) services in the UK. A-A provides support, information, education, and awareness to all those affected by or involved in the care of cardiac arrhythmias. Know Your Pulse to Know Your Heart Rhythm – It could save your life!

For more resources and information, please visit our website linked below.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us by email, phone, and by visiting our website.

Email: [email protected]


Phone: +44 (0)1789 867 501

Registered Charity No. 1107496

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