Vanessa Sharman
My Story
The what: I am running the London Marathon in April this year in support of Parkinson's UK in memory of my Grandpa, Jim Sharman, and my Great Granny, Betty Sharman, who both lived with Parkinson's disease.
The why: Parkinson's is a progressive neurological condition that affects movement, causing tremors, stiffness and loss of balance. For my Grandpa, as the disease progressed, it also caused his amazing mind to deteriorate. He was kind, funny, generous, the centre of our (very large!) family and always head of the table. Having witnessed the struggles he endured, I am motivated to try and make a difference to help others who might also be struggling.
Parkinson's UK is at the forefront of research and development and also provides invaluable support to those affected by Parkinson's. The funds raised will aid in their mission to find a cure and improve the lives of those living with the condition.
And how you can help: Please donate if you can. Your support through donations can make a real difference so thank you!