Pancreatic Cancer UK

TCS London Marathon 2025

Matthew Sag

Matthew Sag

My Story

On April 27, 2025, I will be running the London Marathon to raise money for research and treatment of pancreatic cancer.

The future is what we make it

My sister Rebecca was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2018. She was as brave as anyone could be, but her battle was short-lived; Becky passed away just weeks after her diagnosis. Her story is typical, pancreatic cancer is almost always fatal because it is diagnosed too late.

But we can change this story.

I am asking you to help me raise money for Pancreatic Cancer UK which is pioneering efforts to develop earlier detection methods to give others the fighting chance that Becky deserved.

There are several different ways you can contribute

(1) donate directly to Pancreatic Cancer UK at (immediate impact)

(2) send me money via venmo that I will then aggregate and convert into GBP and donate in your name (@Matthew-Sag) (minimize foreign transaction fees)

(3) donate to a different pancreatic cancer in your country of choice, send me the details and I’ll match that with a donation to Pancreatic Cancer UK (local impact)

Every contributor gets to add a song to my London Marathon Spotify Playlist!

If you donate for this cause, you can let me know what song I should add to my London Marathon Spotify Playlist. I will set this to shuffle during the race and try to remember who suggested which song

Please join me 

Please join me on this journey and donate in Rebecca’s memory and bringing us closer to a future where no more lives are stolen by this devastating disease.

Follow my progress

To see how my training is going, follow me on Strava, check out my google spreadsheet ( or get narrative updates  here on this page (


Pancreatic Cancer UK

Raising for:

Pancreatic Cancer UK


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

On April 27, 2025, I will be running the London Marathon to raise money for research and treatment of pancreatic cancer.

The future is what we make it

My sister Rebecca was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2018. She was as brave as anyone could be, but her battle was short-lived; Becky passed away just weeks after her diagnosis. Her story is typical, pancreatic cancer is almost always fatal because it is diagnosed too late.

But we can change this story.

I am asking you to help me raise money for Pancreatic Cancer UK which is pioneering efforts to develop earlier detection methods to give others the fighting chance that Becky deserved.

There are several different ways you can contribute

(1) donate directly to Pancreatic Cancer UK at (immediate impact)

(2) send me money via venmo that I will then aggregate and convert into GBP and donate in your name (@Matthew-Sag) (minimize foreign transaction fees)

(3) donate to a different pancreatic cancer in your country of choice, send me the details and I’ll match that with a donation to Pancreatic Cancer UK (local impact)

Every contributor gets to add a song to my London Marathon Spotify Playlist!

If you donate for this cause, you can let me know what song I should add to my London Marathon Spotify Playlist. I will set this to shuffle during the race and try to remember who suggested which song

Please join me 

Please join me on this journey and donate in Rebecca’s memory and bringing us closer to a future where no more lives are stolen by this devastating disease.

Follow my progress

To see how my training is going, follow me on Strava, check out my google spreadsheet ( or get narrative updates  here on this page (


Matthew Sag is fundraising towards